Computational Modeling

Evaluate the efficacy of seatbelt routing schemes on booster seats in motor vehicle crashes (Team)

  • Conduct FEA of a 6-year-old anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD) in a child restraining seat (CRS) in different crash impact scenarios and test the biomechanics of the ATD with height-less, low-back, and high-back booster seats.

  • Alter the vehicle seat D-ring position and evaluate change in behavior of the ATD in a motor vehicle crash.

The crash impact case for an 6-year-old anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD) in a child restraining seat (CRS) is carried out. The Q6 dummy is used for the purpose of this project.

The project deals with testing different types of booster seats available in the US market. These include a height-less booster, a low-back booster, and a high-back booster. The 6-year-old ATD is strapped in these seats and is subjected to 0 degrees and 30 degrees far-side impact conditions. Testing different seats essentially changes the belt routing procedure over the dummy. The different seats are tested and validated with actual test bench cases.

Further, the car-seat D-ring position is altered, by moving the ring aft, fore and outwards of the default FMVSS 213 test bench D-ring position, thereby changing the belt routing position and angle over the ATD. Parameters such as head and chest acceleration, chest displacement, displacement under seatbelt, head injury criteria (HIC), and neck injury (NIJ-flexion) are extracted and conclusions are drawn from results.

Determine strength and stability of lower anchors and tethers for children (LATCH) across a range of anchor spacing (Team)

  • Conduct FEA of a 3-year-old ATD in a CRS in a motor vehicle crash.

  • Change the impact angles and the anchor spacing, and study the behavior of the ATD.

The crash impact case for a 3-year-old anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD) in a child restraining seat (CRS) is carried out. The Q3 dummy is used for the purpose of this project.

In this project, a 3-year-old dummy model is tested in a crash impact scenario for different impact angles. The seat lower anchor and tethers for children (LATCH) system is tested for these different impact angles. The standard 11 inches position for this LATCH system is increased to 19 inches to study the change in mechanics of the crash simulation on the 3-year-old. The FE simulations and validated with actual test bench cases.

Parameters such as head and chest acceleration, chest displacement, displacement under seatbelt, head injury criteria (HIC), and neck injury (NIJ-flexion) are extracted and conclusions are drawn from results.

Study effectiveness of booster CRS in nearside motor vehicle crashes with and without side curtain airbags (Team)

  • Run FE simulations for a 6-year-old ATD in a CRS for a nearside crash impact scenario.

  • Study variation in behavior of ATD with absence and introduction of side curtain airbags.

The crash impact case for a 6-year-old anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD) in a child restraining seat (CRS) in the presence of a side curtain airbag (SCAB) is carried out. The Q6 dummy is used for the purpose of this project.

For this project, a 6-year-old dummy model is tested in a full side-crash impact scenario. The 6-year-old is strapped in a CRS and the side impact is simulated with airbag deployment at the time of impact. Different booster seats are tested with and without the side curtain airbag.

Parameters such as head and chest acceleration, chest displacement, displacement under seatbelt, head injury criteria (HIC), and neck injury (NIJ) are extracted and conclusions are drawn from results.

Numerical Methods and Modeling of Mathematical Schemes to Solve Ordinary Differential Equations (Independent)

  • Coded numerical algorithms on MATLAB to solve linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations.

  • Tested algorithms for different sizes of system of equations.

  • Studied variation in solution and the marginal error with refinement in grid resolution.

The various projects under the broader concept of numerical methods deal with solving a system of linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations for a boundary value problem. The purpose of these projects is to get familiarized with the different numerical solving schemes existing to solve different computational problems.

The linear system of equations is solved using the LU decomposition algorithm, Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithm, and the Newton’s Method solver. For the non-linear equations, the analytical and the arc-length continuation is implemented to graph out the curve along which the solution for the equation may exist. Further, the implicit and explicit Euler methods are implemented to find solutions to non-linear ordinary differential equations.

All algorithms are coded on MATLAB and are implemented for a given set of equations and boundary conditions. The graphs and contours are plotted for different grid resolutions and sizes of equations.

Bachelor’s Thesis on ‘Energy Harvesting from Aero-elastic Instabilities’ (Independent)

  • Computationally modeled small energy harvesting device subjected to aero-elastic instabilities.

  • Used fluttering motion of harvester to further produce electricity by use of piezoelectric patches.

  • Varied material properties of harvester to study change in piezoelectric voltage generated.

Aero-elastic instability or flutter, in particular, is an undesirable phenomena experienced by bodies exposed to cross wind and can cause serious damage due to fluid-structure interaction especially in airplane wings. However, this property of aero-elastic instability can be used on a small body to harness energy from the cross wind.

Computational modelling of a small energy harvesting device is carried out to study the effects of wind on the body, which can be further used to produce electricity. The present study shows the aerodynamic response of a T-shaped flat plate with a tip mass. Piezoelectric strips are placed on either side of the plate near the region where the plate is fixed. The bottom side of both piezoelectric bodies is given zero voltage. When the harvester body flutters, mechanical strain is generated in the harvester, which causes strain in the piezoelectric bodies, thus, generating a voltage in each piezo body.

The complex fluid-structure interaction requires coupling of fluid flow around the harvester, with the structural model. Computational fluid dynamics based on the incompressible Navier- Stokes equation and computational structural analysis based on the Lagrangian equation of motion is carried out using a partitioned solving approach in ANSYS.

Simulation of Combustion in IC Engines for Varying Parameters (Team)

  • Used ANSYS Fluent to simulate combustion in engine incorporating appropriate models.

  • Tested algorithms for different sizes of system of equations.

  • Varied geometrical parameters of engine to check the change in combustion process and different properties specific to each geometry.

The study of combustion in engines has been under significant pressure for improvement. In this project we study the effects of varying geometry on the different parameters of the engine during combustion in a 4-stroke Compression Ignition (CI) engine operating on a diesel cycle, using diesel as a primary fuel.

We first discuss the various types of Internal Combustion engines and briefly discuss the cycles they work on, particularly the Otto cycle and the Diesel cycle. We have further defined two distinct geometries which we use for our simulations. Here we make a crude approximation about the combustion process involving the power stroke. We then move on to define the meshing that is done in order to proceed with the calculations.

The solution initialization and the boundary conditions are then set corresponding to our approximations, and the simulation is then carried of the two cylinder heads. The results are the noted and subsequently the conclusions are drawn. CATIA V5 helps us prepare the geometry and the ANSYS Workbench – FLUENT helps us in carrying out our study and simulating the particular problem at hand.